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Critical path


Could you please tell me how to only view the critical path tasks? 

I found how to highlight them in red, but I would like the view , where all other tasks are filtered out.

Many thanks in advance


Hi Delphine,

Unfortunately there isn't a way to just view them inside the Gantt schedule itself, however if you make all your critical path tasks into milestones you can go to visualizations and see data regarding only them on our Project Milestones dashboard. Here you can see a calendar on which days they fall, a timeline, and they're completion rates. Hope this helps, let me know if you have any further questions. 

Kind Regards, Sophia 

Dear Sophia , 

many thanks for your tip . 

Can you please show me where exactly I can get this milestone view? I can't find it here on the french translated version.

Thanks in advance


Hey Delphine,

Yes of course so if you look to your left toward the bottom you'll see a little gray line graph image with the word Visualizations underneath it, although I'm assuming there's a french word for this I tried google translating it and it didn't show me anything.

Once you click on this it will load multiple dash boards look for the one called (jalons du projet) that's where you can access this data. 

Also if you need help creating a milestone just double click on any task you'd like to mark as a milestone and it will open up the task properties on that first page they'll be an option to check it off.

Keep me posted on if your able to find it or not or if you need any additional support.

Regards, Sophia 

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