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Changing the color of all the children tasks

How do I change the color of all the children tasks together instead of individually?

Hey Tony,

You can't color tasks by resource, like each resource isn't going to have a color assigned to it. You can have your tasks assigned by color though by double clicking on a task. This will open the task properties, then go to the color tab and it'll allow you to change the color of the task in the gantt chart, you can even change the color of the cells on the cpm side from here too. 

Let me know if this helps.

In the resources tab on the left of the screen there's another tab under resource properties named Colors. Why does this not change all of the resources Gantt chart colors?

This is a great question. 

We do not have bulk editing in gantter at this time. But a great feature request I will pass along to the team. 

Right now you will have to individually change the color by double clicking on the task to open properties. Then you will see color as an option in your menu tabs. 

You can change the font, color of task bar, and color of gantt bar. 

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