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Holidays calendar

I need to exclude the some holidays (ie Christmas and some additional days) form the standard calendar. Is it possible?

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Unfortunately at this time, we don't have this feature. You need to manually update the working hours on your standard calendar.

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There is no bulk editing in gantter at this time. 

You would need to select the dates you want to remove form working times. 

To set up a calendar you will want to use the "working time setup" to select all monday's all tuesday, ect. 

I've created new calendars for each individual in the team, to take into account holidays and also external events such as conferences. How do I select multiple days in a month and apply a working time?

Thanks, Kartika, this was a great help. :-)

Yes you can. 

1. go to the "Calendar"

2. double click on the calendar name

3, select the date (i.e. 25 Dec is Christmas)

4. click "Clear" next to "Working time" 

repeat step 3 & 4 for all the dates you want to mark as public holiday, click "Save"


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