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Como cancelar la suscripción

Hace mucho tiempo que busco como cancelar la suscripción y no he podido.... Podría anular la tarjeta pero tengo otras cosas asociadas a la misma.... ?que opciones tengo?
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I've been looking for a way to cancel the subscription for a long time and I haven't been able to... I could cancel the card but I have other things associated with it... What options do I have?

I’m sorry to hear that you’re canceling your Gantter subscription. 


In order to cancel your subscription please sign in to your Gantter account and follow these steps:

Select the “Manage Subscription” button.

This can be found either from the Home page menu button (in the upper left corner) OR from within the Gantter editor itself under the Help menu.

Now click on “Buy & Manage Subscriptions”

Then click the “Reduce” button

Then click on “Cancel Subscription” and then agree to cancel

The following are the links to the Manage Subscription pages: 
Gantter for G Suite / Gantter for Google Drive:

Gantter Cloud:


Again, we are so sorry to see you go.


Our entire Gantter community strives every day to make it a better experience for our 3+ million users, and we would welcome any feedback on what we could have done better for you.

And if there’s anything we can do to make your stay, please let me know!

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