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Improve printing

Printing is important and needs to be greatly improved in this product.   It may seem like developing and maintaining a schedule online is all that is necessary. Still, with a very large project with many, many tasks, it's very valuable to print out the schedule so it can be reviewed carefully for any missing /bad logic, etc.   Specifically, being able to print just a subset of the chart on a single 8.5 x11 sheet would be very useful.  It is not practical to print all of a large schedule. 

I have tried filtering to specific dates and printing that and turning off the summary tasks, but the printout always seems to have the overall project timetable which makes the resulting image HUGE and the specific tasks so small that they can't be read.

Printing is such an overlooked feature.  You could really differentiate yourselves if you could make this work really well.

2 people like this idea

This is a great feature request. We will pass a long to our product team.


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Completely agree with Walter.

Considering switching to Gantter but the printing would be a huge trade off

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