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Order of columns

How do I change the order of my custom columns?

Best Answer

You can view or hide the column but you can not move the column around. 

3 people have this question

The answer is very disappointing. When will this be a feature? 

For example it is important for me to show (column for) No. of days for the project, say 50 but show the (column for) timeline where the completion may take an elapsed timeline of say 90 days.  I would like to put these columns next too each other for greater clarity, not 5 columns away... Surely it cannot be too difficult to move columns around - maybe I recently bought the wrong software?

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You can view or hide the column but you can not move the column around. 

If you would like to view the calendar in weeks, months, quarters in the year. You can do this by zooming in and out on the calendar. The view will change for you to see your timeline of the task. 

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