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LAck of tech support - Customer HELP

 I wanted to purchase the Gantter Google drive but I was - by default - sent to the Cloud app.

That was the $50 purchase.

I sent several tickets - without a response.

This is not acceptable.

Is there anybody that can help?

1 Comment

All editions are linked. If you have purchased in Cloud edition you are able to access Drive edition as well. 

When entering the Drive edition you will want to open it from Google app shortcuts, or from Google drive. 
 The following are the links to access Gantter: Gantter for Google Drive:

The biggest difference between Gantter for Google Drive or G Suite and Gantter Cloud is where the files are stored. For Google editions, the files are stored in your Google Drive or Team Drive, whereas with Gantter Cloud, the files are stored in our Google-powered secure Gantter Cloud File Store.
Can I switch editions from one to another? Or use either?Yes, with the purchase of any Gantter subscription, you will be able to log in with that email address in either the Gantter Cloud, Google Drive, and/or G Suite editions.
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