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Google drive duplicate gantter file issue

When duplicated my project gantter file, the duplicated gantter file shows old data. I do have edited the schedule and with new tasks.

Yes, it can access  with this method. 

Just 2 questions:


Can I duplicate the gantter file in google drive? 

Before, it can be done and show the latest data (when open the file).

Now when I duplicate the gantter file via google drive, it show the OLD data (when open the file). 


Can I make it show the "preview view" like before? 

Before, when I click on the gantter file in google drive, it shows "download button , and open in gantter App". 


Terry Yip

Hi Terry,

To open a Gantter file from within Google Drive, right-click on the file and choose "Open with" from the menu. Double-clicking on the file might show the "No Preview Available" screen.

Besides,  I tried to duplicate the file via gannter itself, The data is showing correctly. 

But it shows "no preview available" and no another other button when I click on the gantter file.

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